Sunday Style: Fandemonium

Pandemonium is an uproar or a wild and noisy disorder or confusion. Fandemonium is an uproar over this dress! The fans on this karinadresses dress add pizazz to such a bright beautiful teal color. I know it's technically called Spring Daisy, but come on, I am fanning out over this dress for sure! I also love karinadresses because they are what I call, the "world's easiest dress". Not only are they so easy to pack and so comfortable but they always are easily dressed up or down. This is the Ruby style and one of the things I love about this one is the sash that is tied around and accentuates the waist. Sleeveless is perfect for the weather here but adding a cardigan or jacket still allows the beauty of this dress to shine. In today's post, I am wearing this dress two ways. I love the easiness of this dress when worn dressed up with heels, but I also love the way I can dress it down and make it more casual with this moto jacket. Which way is your fav...