This Is Me
I have a confession to make. I have never seen the show This Is Us. That’s right-don’t hate me but I just haven’t seen it. Last year when it first came on, I wasn’t watching a lot of television-I was working a lot and looking for a job and then I was moving and then working- you get it-Life happens. But from what I do know about it-people cry when they watch it. They come to work and say they cry or they comment on Facebook that they cry and even the actors themselves were on a talk show where they said they cry when they watch it. Crying for me is the last thing that I want to do-especially when being entertained by a television show. This is me. The other thing I know about the show is the premise. These folks lives are entwined somehow and I think some (or all?) even share a birthday. This is the story of people like us. People like you and me. I did tell my friend yesterday that I would try to catch up and watch the show. Even though I don’t want to cry, I probably will and