
Showing posts from September, 2017

This Is Me

I have a confession to make. I have never seen the show This Is Us. That’s right-don’t hate me but I just haven’t seen it. Last year when it first came on, I wasn’t watching a lot of television-I was working a lot and looking for a job and then I was moving and then working- you get it-Life happens. But from what I do know about it-people cry when they watch it. They come to work and say they cry or they comment on Facebook that they cry and even the actors themselves were on a talk show where they said they cry when they watch it. Crying for me is the last thing that I want to do-especially when being entertained by a television show. This is me. The other thing I know about the show is the premise. These folks lives are entwined somehow and I think some (or all?) even share a birthday. This is the story of people like us. People like you and me. I did tell my friend yesterday that I would try to catch up and watch the show. Even though I don’t want to cry, I probably will and

WhatUp Wednesday #12

Well friends, a lot to talk about this week!   I have gotten another year older and I also became a football mom this week! My son started to play football this year in 7 th grade-he is not excited about it at all if you ask him and might even be borderline mad at me still for signing him up. I think athletics for him are very important and football in Texas is a big deal! They spring things on us at the beginning at the year at the last minute. I am sitting here waiting for him to get done with practice only to find out that after this we go to the high school for him to be recognized as an athlete in our city. Very cool!   Here’s my outfit I am wearing since I wore this to work today: I might add that this is an outfit my friend Tracy selected for me for my Lula Box this month! She sent me this outfit as well as the Jill skirt in the pic below. Lula boxes are fun! You don’t know what you will be getting until you get it! You pay the invoice and then she ships out the

Style Spotlight: Universal Standard

I was recently introduced to the brand, Universal Standard . I actually had not heard of them prior to doing this collaboration. I did some research on the brand as I do on all brands before I choose to represent them on my blog and Instagram. There are many brands out there that make promises about their clothing-whether it’s the fit or the feeling-but many times I find I am let down.                                    Top and jeans - Universal Standard This brand did not disappoint. From the minute I opened the package to putting on the clothes to wearing them all day-the feeling and the fit didn’t change. I was impressed when I opened the package and found the wrapped box-it was like I got a present! The top is so soft and the jeans have a great amount of stretch to them but not too much! I love the little details on the jeans like the zippers on the ankle and the deep front pockets. The wash is spectacular too and I am feeling way more dressed up than wearing a regular tee

WhatUp Wednesday #11

As I sit here writing this, another hurricane is at it again! This time Irma who is hitting the islands and Florida. We have so much to be thankful for here in our warm (or cool) homes with food and water and everything we need. Last week North Texas had a gas issue with everyone and their brother getting gas on Thursday causing a shortage and numerous stations to have no gas even throughout the holiday weekend. Thankfully, I was able to get some in my tank before the crazy madness began so I was unaffected; although I did stay home most of the holiday weekend and conserved the gas that I had. There hasn’t been a ton of things happening this week. I have been super busy at work (which makes me happy!) and just focusing on that and my son who started school last week. He also started football and is very hesitant but I am confident he will pick it up and enjoy it. Though he’s mad at me now for putting him in it, I hope I have done the right thing and he will thank me later! Toda