WhatUp Wednesday #12

Well friends, a lot to talk about this week!  I have gotten another year older and I also became a football mom this week! My son started to play football this year in 7th grade-he is not excited about it at all if you ask him and might even be borderline mad at me still for signing him up. I think athletics for him are very important and football in Texas is a big deal!

They spring things on us at the beginning at the year at the last minute. I am sitting here waiting for him to get done with practice only to find out that after this we go to the high school for him to be recognized as an athlete in our city. Very cool!  Here’s my outfit I am wearing since I wore this to work today:

I might add that this is an outfit my friend Tracy selected for me for my Lula Box this month! She sent me this outfit as well as the Jill skirt in the pic below. Lula boxes are fun! You don’t know what you will be getting until you get it! You pay the invoice and then she ships out the box to you. You can choose to keep the items or return them if you don’t care for them. It takes faith letting someone else choose an outfit for you, but Tracy dresses similarly to me and we have been friends for years so I know she will do a great job! Here’s a link to her Instagram -@lularoetracyvazquez- check her out! And here’s the other skirt I got which I paired with a top from Walmart.

While I am at it, I might as well show you the other outfits I posted this week:

So I mentioned I had a birthday this week! My work family did the best job helping me celebrate this past Friday! I was surprised at work a day early with some decorations and then more the next day. We ate lunch at anamia's which I have been wanting to try for a while. The food was fantastic and I am already ready to go there again!

Thanks for reading and following along with me!



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