WhatUp Wednesday #26
Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Well we are halfway through this week and today’s the last day of February already! I can’t believe how fast this month flew by compared to January that felt like it had 105 days in it! This last week was interesting to say the least. I didn’t post on Wednesday last week- I did a day late on Thursday since I didn’t have enough time on Wednesday. But I did want to share a story about kindness that happened to me on that day. Amongst all of the sadness and bad things that are happening in the world, one thing did make me believe a little more in the kindness of humans- in this case, kindness of strangers. It goes like this. It was cold and rainy all last week here in Texas. The temps were in the 30’s and if it were Michigan, it would have been snow. I digress. My sensor for my tires goes off in my car. It shows the passenger front tire is low- like extremely low. However, glancing at it would not show this. I decided I would go to the gas station to pump