WhatUp Wednesday #2
Well, here we are a week later. I cannot believe that Memorial Day has already come and gone but it sure has! I am one of those that thinks Memorial Day is the beginning of summer. Too bad the schools don’t agree and don’t schedule accordingly… My Memorial Day weekend was uneventful. I was sick so I had to stay home from work on Thursday and Friday. Saturday was also spent feeling ill but by Sunday afternoon I was able to get out and walk around the mall and catch some sales. Side note: the mall is a great place to walk when it’s hot out and you want to get some light exercise. Monday was primarily spent cleaning since I hadn’t had a chance to do it- those dishes and bathrooms don’t clean themselves! Where is that Rosie the Robot from Jetsons when you need one?! I finished the book I mentioned last week, The Circle. Boy, was it good! I won’t tell you about it in the event that you want to go out and get it to read, but it was so engaging and thought provoking! I am loving al