What Age Am I?

Age is relative. Age is a number. There's the saying " you're only as young as you feel". Age. You want it, you need it.

Well, guess what! Age is upon me...I have approximately 11 months now until I turn the big 4-0!

I have to admit that I am not scared or think I need a major purchase like a sports car ( who am I kidding- of course a sports car would be nice although unnecessary)- I am actually excited! Believe it or not, every year I feel better about myself and gain more confidence. Like fine wine that is aged, I just keep getting better and better!

So to celebrate, I am coming up with a bucket list of sorts: 40 Things To Do Before I Turn 40.
I need some help though from you, my readers, my followers. I have a few things on my list, but I need a lot more!

I would invite you to post your ideas here on the blog. I will be choosing ideas and featuring each one in an individual blog post. If you are the contributor of the item, I will feature your blog or Instagram account in return. If you don't have either, I will write a nice commentary on you and our friendship!

Please join in the fun and contribute to my list! I look forward to reading all of the ideas you come up with!

Thanks for reading! Follow me to keep up with the latest!



  1. Hey! It's Kari from Instagram. Love the blog! I just made a 30 in 30 list on my blog, maybe you could get some ideas there? abeautifullifereborn.blogspot.com

  2. Hey, it's Tracy, @ruffletuesday from Instagram. I think you should do something wild like skydiving or signing up for one of those classes where they let you drive a NASCAR vehicle. Love this idea! You are so fun!

  3. I am not sure how daring or how far you want to travel or if you are looking for simple things; but here's one! http://www.whiteface.com/activities/bobsled-experience

  4. It's Heather G. - Take a self defense/kickboxing class

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for all of your ideas! It's Heather Gross, right? I want to be sure when I mention my ideas that I give credit to the right person!

  6. Heather Gross yes and another one: a covered wagon ride through the Tetons http://www.wagonswestwyo.com/ one:


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