Christmas with Jesus


Warning: Get your tissues before you read this.

I wrote a post back in October about how my mother had a Halloween birthday.  I have to tell you all that I find having a blog is really a creative outlet and is also very therapeutic when I am writing.  I find that sometimes I am unaware of how someone feels or what they are going through, but they could be in a situation just like mine. You might be reading this now and have recently lost a loved one. If I can help one person, then I am blessed.

This is one of those times that I look at my blog as therapy.  I mentioned in my earlier post that this year, it will be ten years since my mother passed away.  Life goes by in the blink of an eye.  It was on December 19th and it was a Friday night when I got the call to come to the hospital.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  The nurse called me and told me that I had better come down to the hospital.  It was cold and snowy and I remember my sister was in from Florida and had a rented mini-van.  We drove about a mile over to pick up my mom’s best friend, Kathy, on the way out to Ann Arbor. 

I remember it was so dark and cold and parking in the parking garage on that Friday night.  Even that my sister asked if it would be okay if she used the restroom before we got to the room.  I somehow already knew that my mother was gone.  I remember telling my sister that I thought it wouldn’t matter, that she would be okay. (She is probably saying right now that she can’t believe I put that in here!).

We got to the room and it was dark and the tiny Christmas tree that my mom loved so much was lighting up the room.  It was quiet and the breathing machine was turned off. She was gone. The room was so peaceful and serene with the light reflecting off.  I remember crying but I remember how at the same time I was relieved. When you have a sick parent, it is so difficult to see them suffering. 

My mom was fun loving and was a very courageous woman even while suffering.  I remember never leaving the hospital without hugging and kissing her and telling her that I loved her.  I remember the last thing that she said to be was that she was not scared about dying; she was ready to go but she was going to miss us here on earth so much.  (Yes, I am crying as I write this now).

I often say that my mom was a diva.  She had two funeral services (yes, two, and they were both packed) in two different states.  She passed around Christmas though and so both of my sisters and their spouses were able to get here.  She also passed right before I started with the bank that I am currently working for.  So while I think she loved the attention (it’s okay for me to say that-I’m joking!) she was also so considerate of us and looked out for us until the end.  The church that we attended was also so beautifully decorated as though it were just for her.

So around the time of her funeral, I was handed a copy of this poem and I read it.  It really hit me hard and struck home.  I am blessed to know that I will see her again someday.  Enjoy this poem.

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights like heaven stars
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that that tear
For I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year

I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear
O', the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

For I have no words to tell you
of the joy their voices bring
for it's beyond description
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
but, through our memories so dear..
We're never far apart.

I can't tell you of the splendor
or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas
with Our Savior.......face-to-face.

I'll ask him to light your spirit
As I tell him of your Love.
Then I'll pray for 'One another'
As you lift your eyes above.

So please let your heart be joyful
and let your spirit sing
for I'm spending Christmas in heaven
and I'm walking with the king.

Thank you for reading and following along. Enjoy this Christmas season!



  1. Why-oh-why didn't I heed your tissue warning? Beautifully written. I can see your heart through your words.

  2. So beautiful, thanks for sharing this and reminding us of the true meaning of Christ*mas

  3. Beautiful and it's a wonderful poem sandae god bless you and your loved ones as well as your wonderful outgoing beautiful mother i know she was looking down on you and smiling at her beautiful daughter writing about her and Christmas family should always be stuck together no matter what and you show that amen !


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