When Life Hands You Lemons...

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! Anyone else ever get tired of hearing all of the positive things? Why can't I just be sour? Why can't I just wallow in my own self-pity? Well, you can. You can do this, but is that any way that you want to live your life? 

Recently, life handed me some lemons. Like a lot of lemons. Like bushels and bushels of lemons. For a while, I was sour. I was bitter. I didn't look on the bright side. I chose to dwell on the negative. Why did these things happen to me? Why can't my life be great like everyone else? 

I didn't realize that the lemons were handed to me so that I could make something more of myself. So that I could learn to trust, to love, to learn, to teach. I didn't realize that I was being used and will continue to be used to do His work. Sometimes we have to go through the fire to made into something beautiful. How can I expect my life to be polished if I get upset at every little swipe that is made at me? 

This past week I was able to help three different people. I was able to share experiences with each of these people and tell them how my experience helped me to become the person that I am today. Instead of crying and wallowing in my self-pity, I turned my lemons into lemonade. 

I learned something really important this week. Hebrews 12:2 says "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."  My story isn't finished yet. He is still writing it. Even though I am unsure and scared of the future sometimes, it isn't over yet. He knows what I need and will provide.

So I have humbled myself and found myself at my lowest but I know that He will lift me up.  I will look back one day and be thankful for these lemons. I will be thankful for everything that happened to me even though I may not know why He chose me to get the lemons. 

What better way to share a story than represent it in your clothing? When I saw this skirt, I was immediately drawn to it because of the whimsical print. I have a couple of other items with lemons on them and now every time I wear them, I will be constantly reminded of the lemons in my life-past, present and future.

Here are some pictures of this fun outfit that I wore today-I even found a yellow building which made me even happier!

Skirt- Eva Mendes for New York and Company (recent in store and online)
Striped tee- JCrew (old)
Heels- Loft (old)

Thank you for reading and following along with me!



  1. Thanks for sharing your lemonade story. ;) Isn't it funny how when we help others, we find healing and purpose again. He does know our needs and he does provide. You look great in those photos. I'm sharing this blogpost on my FB page. You're an inspiration and I want my followers to know about you!


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