A Mother's Love

Mother's Day can be tricky. While I was in Target on Saturday, the cashier wished me a Happy Mother's Day. I was alone. I don't know her so I am sure she doesn't know whether or not I have children. She also doesn't know that my mother passed away and this holiday used to be one of the hardest for me. 

I started to think about Mother's Days in the past. I have to tell you that I don't remember much about Mother's Days prior to my mom not being here with us. I know that we always used to go to church on that Sunday and the pastor would get up and speak from some passage praising mothers. I never really paid that much attention to those sermons because I was younger and obviously wasn't a parent. 

It wasn't until my mother passed away that I heard that first message about mothers and decided I would not attend church on that Sunday. It was too hard to sit there and hear the pastor sing praises of mothers when I didn't have one. Life wasn't fair. 

A couple of years after my mom passed away, I became a mother myself. I remember my first Mother's Day and sitting there in church. I no longer had the tears of sadness but tears of joy celebrating the fact that I too could join in this special group of women called mothers. Don't get me wrong- it's not that I don't think about it, because I do. I was in church this morning and a video came on and of course, I had tears in my eyes. I don't think I will ever not think about her. 

Mother's Day is tricky. We don't know if someone has a mother, is a mother or can't be a mother when we give well wishes for a special day. Almost every single day, I still think of my mother and wish I could talk to her. I also know women who cannot be mothers. Or there are women who are mothers of children who have gone on before them. 

It's tricky because a mother's love is something special and sacred. Those of you who have mothers, hug them and hold them close. Those of you who are mothers, hold your children close. Relish the fact that you have been chosen for this special role: mother. 

This weekend I was privileged to spend time with my stepmom and her mom on Saturday and my mother in law today. There are women in my life that are special to me and support me. I received texts from family and friends today and even well wishes from people on social media. 

I was also given the opportunity to attend a mother son dance on Friday night to start off the Mother's Day weekend. My son is getting to the age where this may be the last time he will want to go. I cherish the time that we had together and the fun we had with friends there as well. 

Saturday we were able to go out to the Japanese steakhouse for some dinner with my sister and brother in law. Today we spent it again with family for church and lunch. I woke up to coffee and cards and gifts from my guys. It was a fantastic weekend! 

Here are a few pictures from our fun this weekend: 

My friend Courtney and her son were there with us so we grabbed a quick picture- our other friend Kelly wasn't there yet when we took the picture- 

My sister in law and I enjoying a delicious drink at the Japanese steakhouse:

My guys spoiled me with these treats for Mother's Day- some macarons, tulips, a gift card and a new purse! 


Here's a picture of my mom and I on my wedding day. She was such a special lady. On her tombstone, we had the words inscribed " Her children call her blessed" after the passage in Proverbs 31. May our children feel the same way about us as mothers. 

Thank you to all of you for reading and following along with me. I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating yourself or those you love. May you find peace in your heart if you are missing women in your life today and everyday. 



  1. Happy Mothers Week to you. I am visiting from Pumps & Studz and I enjoyed your article posted on her blog. So I want to congratulate YOU for being YOUR True Self and being Thankful. I will be back to read more of your posts. . .


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