Chicken and Waffles

When I was working and staying out in Southern California, I became aware of Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. I could go on and on about places that I loved to eat out there but one in particular was just so good and that was Roscoe's. 

Now a lot of people told me about Roscoe's and how I needed to go there. I didn't really understand all of the hype either. I mean, who eats chicken and waffles together? It sounded weird but the more I heard about it, the more I needed to go. 

I was told that a lot of people would go there after they left the club at 2 in the morning. Being that I am not a clubber (is that a word?) or someone who likes to be up at 2 am, I thought I would try during the day. 

And try it I did. Mind blown. The concept of meat and sweet still haunts me. I already need to go back. 

So I decided to try it at home. I settled on a couple of recipes that I found on Pinterest and made some  chicken tenders (slightly healthier with corn flakes instead of fried) and Belgian waffles. The chicken has a little kick to it making it a little spicy so the sweetness of the waffle tames it down. I also like mine with syrup and some fruit just because I need to feel like I am kind of healthy before I go into my sugar coma. 

Of course you need to wear your Roscoe's tee shirt when you are eating or serving chicken and waffles. Even though I am quite certain there will be no mistaking my house for Roscoe's...

I've got these recipes and a ton more things on my Pinterest boards. You can find me at Sandae C on Pinterest if you want to follow any of my boards for inspiration. I've been pinned these two recipes on the board called Blog Stuff. Pinterest is great for recreating things that you see or taste that you love! 

Let me know if you try this combo! It's such an unexpected surprise! 

Thanks for reading and following along with me! 



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