Skipping Christmas?!

Skipping Christmas was the book. Christmas with the Kranks was the movie. I remember thinking when I read the book what a good idea it might be to skip Christmas. Then it was brought to life in the movie and everyone was warm and fuzzy and Blair got her Christmas after all. (It really is one of my favorite movies!)

I really do love Christmas and everything about it. I love the Christmas music and I love to dress up for holidays. I host an annual cookie exchange and see my family on Christmas Eve and my husband's family on Christmas. 

We wake up on Christmas morning and have Cinammon rolls (it's our tradition) and open presents. I like to read the Christmas story in the Bible too to remind us of what Christmas is really about. We then play with our toys or watch a new movie or read a new book until we get ready to go over to my in-law's house. I will make my pretzel jello salad (with extra love!) and I'll be ready to head over for our prime rib dinner and gift exchanges. 

But this year, I would like to skip Christmas. I'm just not feeling it. I don't even have my tree up yet and to be honest, I would be happy without one. It's weird, I know. I'm not depressed or sad or angry but I am tired. Too tired to get down in the basement and get everything out of storage to put up a tree. Too tired to decide which recipe to use for Christmas cookies this year. Too tired to think about what food I will be serving at parties. 

I'll tell you- we got this adorable puppy named Hanna, who sucks all of the life and energy out of me. She is just like having a baby but worse. She doesn't sleep through the night and bothers me all day while I am home working. We can't put the tree out upstairs with the dog this year so it will be going downstairs where the dog doesn't go. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night and I spend every day being tired and not having tons of energy when I get done working. 

Christmas is also always a reminder that my mom passed away this time of year. It was December 19th at night. I still remember seeing her in the room (she had already passed) but she laid there in the dark with the lights of the Christmas tree filling the room. I will never forget how peaceful and serene that it was. I think about others who have lost loved ones like my mother in law's father who recently passed away or those that have sickness or burdens they just cannot bear. Christmas isn't always a time of fun and laughter- sometimes it's full of tears, fear and longing. 

I went to the mall today and it was too crowded. I just wanted to get in and get out. I didn't feel like donating any money to the numerous people who asked me- Salvation Army, St. Jude's, etc. Every store has a charity that they support. Don't get me wrong, charities are great and I support them year round but sometimes I just don't feel like donating at a register or at the door with someone ringing the bell.

Skipping Christmas sounds really good to me right now. I've thought about it though and I realize that life is so short and so precious. It's not worth me being selfish and not thinking about others. I've signed up to pack donation boxes at the Salvation Army on Monday morning. Thinking about all I have and how little others have is such a good reminder that Christmas isn't about me. It isn't about the gifts. It's about Jesus- He is the reason for the season. 

I've decided to change my attitude. I'm getting up right now to find a recipe for my cookie exchange and tomorrow we are putting up the tree. I'm fortunate and blessed to have a family who cares for me and loves me and even that stinker dog is cute when she cuddles up to me. 

We won't be skipping Christmas this year. We may not have all of the fancy decorations up, but we do have lights on our house already and we will have tons of great food and our home will be filled with laughter and love. We will all be actively participating in Christmas this year. 

Here's a picture of the adorable Hanna:

Hope you all have a blessed and safe holiday season! 



  1. Love how honest you are in the post! Sometimes we do forget the real meaning of the Christmas season. I'm glad you are not skipping Christmas and are doing so much to help others :)

    Enjoy the holidays! I think you should post the recipe to your delicious cookies ;)


  2. Love this post. I have been feeling the same way.

  3. I love your post! I just posted about not really wanting to get the decorations out because of the recent loss of my dog. It can get really difficult sometimes during this time of year because of memories. I got to spend time with my mom last night at an outdoor mall to look at thier extravagant decor and tree. In a way I was sad because she is not the same mom I remember due to dimentia and in a way it made me happy to be holding her hand and having her smile at me.

    I really am not sure if my personal tree will make an appearance this year but I do know I will be in the Christmas spirit with my family as we celebrate the life Christ has given us. I love hearing all the songs of Jesus' birth. And Hanna is so adorable. Dogs are such a special part of the family and I am happy she found you.


  4. Love your post. What cookie recipe did you find? Merry Christmas!


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