2014 Closet Remix Challenge: May and June Recap

May and June came and went so quickly.  Looking back it is hard to write about these months because they flew by. I keep telling myself to live in the present so that I won’t look back and say this but every time I sit down and think about it, time just hasn’t stood still.

May was a very busy month for me at work. I had so many tasks that were due and I was still learning a few things since switching roles earlier this year. That meant not a lot of time for shopping! I also had some bills like paying for camps for my son, etc. that helped me to not do a lot of shopping so I could financially keep on track.

I was able to purchase a new bag with some gift cards and Poshmark money and I did a couple of returns and exchanges. I was able to spend a total of $60 for the month using gift cards and coupons. I stayed away from the mall and Target mainly and did a great job of not over-stimulating the economy! I felt like after April where I didn’t keep track as much that I needed to do a lot better in May and I did!

Oh, June! You did not cease to amaze me! I took a business trip and even went to the mall with a friend while out of town and still managed to not purchase anything there! I also went to the mall here and walked around and looked and didn’t leave with anything. I wrote about my Sears Outlet purchase in an earlier blog post and that is the only money that I spent for June! I originally also purchased a pair of shorts that were on my list, but decided to return those since the fit was not exactly what I wanted. So, I spent a grand total of $8 for the month keeping my spending to $68 for both months. Not bad!

It is amazing what this experience has been teaching me. I have become more grateful for what I already have. I have developed an eye for true style and mixing and matching pieces that I have not done before. I am amazed at what I have found hidden in my own closet. Things that I love that I put to the side for new things. Things that are sentimental but that I put to the side because they were older or I thought the style wasn’t fresh enough. I have begun to realize that I can mix those things with newer things and the look is much more updated.

I can go to the mall now and not feel that I need to buy something just because someone else has it. I don’t need to buy something because it is the latest and greatest. This is a beautiful feeling! I now look for things that are unique and love when the fit and/or pattern seems as though it was only made for me.

Developing and participating in style challenges on Instagram has also helped me immensely. I find that if there is a theme for a day, I tend to look for items to fit that theme, whether new or old. I love seeing what everyone else comes up with too and I get ideas of things that I can wear of my own.

I also still really like keeping a journal. I can document how much I spent, what I bought or if I exchanged, etc. I also document if I used gift cards or Poshmark money or if I returned and the purpose for the purchase. I like to sometimes write why I bought something to remind me that it is okay to make purchases but make purchases with a purpose in mind. My brother in law is getting married this year so of course I would like a new dress to wear. These are the kind of things that I like to document.

Is anyone else out there still participating in any closet remixing or no shopping? I am still continuing to post my pictures on Instagram using the hashtags #2014closetremixchallenge and #noshopsummer. How is it going for you if you are participating in any of these challenges?

Thanks for reading and following along with me!



  1. Oh my goodness, I so need to stop shopping! It's just so mindless for me. I buy stuff just to realize after few weeks that I don't really like it and I already lost the receipt and can't take it back. So frustrating. I'm also huge emotional buyer and a shopaholic. I heal my not so perfect life with shopping. It gives me that 5 minutes high but than it's back to reality. I do agree that participating in all the Instagram challenges is awesome and keeps my mind occupied with planning the outfits and taking pictures rather than going shopping. Thank you so much for coming up with all daily themes!!! I will start a clothes shopping journal fallowing your advice�� starting tomorrow!!!! Keep your fingers crossed

  2. Oh btw, this is happygal1976 lol������

  3. You are doing an amazing job. I didn't join this challenge but I haven't been doing much shopping. The new clothes I have got have been from the recycling center.

  4. Great job! I really loved your words. Sometimes when I look on Instagram, it makes me feel like I need some of the newest items. I've already cut my spending down a lot due to divorce, but I realize I need to challenge myself more with items I already own. Thank you for the great post!


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