Forty Before Forty: Karaoke and a Shot of Courage

Two more things I can cross off of my list. This last weekend I had a lot of fun going out with some of my friends. I love that when I mention my list, people are willing to help me accomplish things! I happened to mention at book club a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to go do karaoke. This was one of the things that I actually have done before but it's been a while- like a couple of years. 

My friend said there was a place not far from her house so we all met up and went out for some fun on a Saturday night. We got there early - as in around 8:30- but karaoke didn't start until 9:30. We watched the guy "Jeff" carry in all of the equipment. He finally made an announcement around 9:45 that it was time for karaoke and walked around and passed out music books and slips. 

My friends and I searched forever for songs to sing. At first, no one was going to sing with me but finally they took pity on me and said they would sing. Three out of the four of us got up and sang "The Sign" by Ace of Base. Nothing more or less than that. I couldn't hear the music- I could hear my friends singing in my ears and all I could do was laugh and laugh. It was bad. It was even worse that only one other girl even sang in the place.  So lame! 

We didn't care- we had a great time. Another friend and I got up and sang "Call Me Maybe". Ain't no shame in this game. So what if middle aged moms in jeans are singing? At least someone was! I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for us, there would have been a concert by the other girl who was the only other lone singer. Oh yeah and she just happened to be a pretty decent singer. 

Oh and some guy,Jeff, was celebrating a birthday too. So naturally he and all of his friends were on the dance floor- talking. It was kind of a dumb place to experience this, butwe had a blast and I crossed it off my list. 

Here's some pictures of my friends and I having fun singing:

While I was there, I happened to mention another item on my list. Don't laugh but for some stupid reason, I decided a shot of tequila should be consumed by me. I don't recall ever having just a shot of tequila so I figured it would be something to do. Seems weird but I'm not really a big drinker so why would I do shots of tequila? PSA: Drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive. 

Here's a few pics of me with the shot:

All in all, it was such a fun night. I often think I need to go out more and have fun! Good friends are hard to find so spend time with yours as often as you can. Thanks to these girls for indulging in my list of things to do! 

Thanks for reading and following along with me! 



  1. Glad you had a fun night. I have never drank tequila before.


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