WhatUp Wednesday #3

Well, since last week’s post, I have come and gone to Michigan. I enjoyed the cooler temps, seeing friends and family, eating food that I have missed, etc. I have only been gone for a little over six months so not really long enough to forget everything and a short enough time to go right back to the way it was before I left. Does that even make sense? It does to me…

First things first, here's my outfit for today. Yes, I am wearing these pants again but I love them! And this cold shoulder flutter top from eloquii has me all googley-eyed. But want to know why I am laughing? It is always funny to me to see guys on the sidelines when I am taking my outfit pictures. They shake their heads and look at their phones...today happened to be a coworker of mine-so funny! By the way, I am under the treehouse at work getting this picture taken since my photographer is currently out of commission for the summer.

Anyways, on the way up to Michigan, my son and I stopped and saw the castle in Muskogee, Oklahoma and it was fun to see it. Here was the outfit I wore for traveling that day:

The we stopped in Missouri to check out the Fantastic Caverns and boy, were they fantastic! So beautiful! One of only four caverns in the world where you can drive through and the only one in the United States. I would highly recommend visiting if you get the chance!

In Michigan on the west side of the state, I went to Grand Haven and enjoyed some much needed time with my family, beach time, margaritas and Mexican food and getting my hair done. Oh and I had to start the day with some Tim Hortons!So many fun things!

Once I got to the east side of the state, it was all about seeing friends and catching up and eating at some of my favorite places in addition to the other stuff like closing out my safe deposit box, getting my son new glasses, etc. you know all of the regular everyday stuff.

On the way back to Texas I was alone. I counted the number of dead deer on the side of the road in Michigan, I saw a turtle crossing the interstate in Missouri and saw armadillos on the side of the road in Oklahoma. No offense to you all in Oklahoma, but I think it is the hardest state to drive through since it is so flat and brown and open land. I also listened to my new favorite podcast, Serial. I am addicted. I listened to all of Season One and I am currently on Season Two. I cannot get enough of it!
All in all, it was a wonderful time off. I loved every minute of it. Here's to a wonderful summer!

Thanks for reading and following along with me!


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