January 2015 Book Club Selection

As I promised in my 2014 Reflections post written earlier this week, I want to make sure that I am sharing the book club selections for the month. Our actual book club meets on the 3rd Tuesday night of each month. I started the book club after reading The Happiness Project and getting inspired to start my own. I want to make sure that my virtual friends are able to read our selections and weigh in on their opinions as well. I will review the book after the book club meets and let you all know what everyone thought of it. 

Our January Book Club Selection is The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Karen picked this one and it can be easily found at the library, Target, Barnes and Noble and Amazon. 

This book has been described as being similar to The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I loved The Help and am already about halfway through this book as well. So far the story is good and well written. 

Let me know if you're reading along with us! I look forward to hearing what you all think of the book in the recap post- don't spoil it here if you've already read it! 

Happy Reading! 



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