2014 Closet Remix Challenge: March and April Recap

I thought I would put both months together this time since the outcome was pretty much the same...

Well folks, this whole post could be summed up in two words: I failed. However, I choose not to see it as a failure but as an opportunity to do better next time. I'll explain. And yes, by the way, I will admit I have been putting off posting this too...which is why I made it into a two month recap really...

I did well in March and, in fact, even returned items that I purchased before. But then, I took a trip to the mall mid-month and decided to really look at some new spring and summer items for myself. I sold a lot of my stuff last year on Poshmark for spring and summer so I decided to take advantage of the many sales that happen this time of the year. 

I didn't stay on track for buying only items on my list. In fact, I decided to get a little more creative and look for some things that were unique but still would match with other items in my closet so I could wear them multiple ways. And it wasn't just that one trip- it turned into a mini shopping marathon towards the end of the month! 

When April came around, I did the same thing. I was doing well and again did some returns but I also managed another trip to the mall and then it hit me. I was falling into the same rut that I was in before when I started doing this at the beginning of the year! Buying and returning, buying and returning- it's a vicious cycle! 

I'm not upset with myself at all for these two months for shopping.  In fact, I paid off one credit card in March and stayed on track putting my weekly amount into savings. In April I didn't do as well with the saving because it was tax time and I had to pay the taxman (as they say). I am staying on track with my spending and bill paying journal. I'm actually proud of myself for as far as I've come- emotionally and financially during this challenge. I've learned my triggers for shopping (much like food) and have learned how to curb those cravings somewhat. I went two and a half months with hardly spending anything! For a person who loves shopping and blogs about fashion, it was hard to go this long! 

I thought I would be back on track April 1 but as I mentioned earlier, I did some shopping then too!  I think I have enough to last me for a while but I am wearing different sizes and am trying to get some new things that fit better like pants and shorts. I'll be back to remixing soon.  I'll be doing some more closet cleaning and some listing on Poshmark. I'll be continuing to work on my Forty Before Forty list. I'll be scrapbooking, exercising, and trying new recipes. Oh and soccer has started again so I'll be back to being a soccer mom! 

Here's a picture of my purchases for March and April pretty much looks the same. You see there are no totals this month...I promise to do a better job next month! Accountability really is everything! 

This month my friend Amanda is hosting the #springclosetremix on Instagram and I am hosting the #marvelousmaystyle challenge so these two are keeping me honest (and busy!). 

Anyone else out there still participating in the 2014 remix challenge? It's funny how on Instagram, the hashtag gets used less and less now! You'll see me back on it soon- I promise! 

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on challenges like this! Thanks for reading and following along with me! 



  1. I think you did amazing job with this Challenges. I truly think it would be hard for me to go a whole year without buy some new clothes or shoe. Also congrats on getting the credit card paid off.

  2. It's so hard to get out of the buying cycle but I think you are doing an amazing job! I always start the month out strong and then I buy something, feel guilty so I return it, and then see something else I want. I think using your tracker is a great way to hold yourself accountable as well as posting about it. Congrats on paying of your credit card!



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