Joyful June Style Challenge

We have only a couple more days left in May and I still cannot believe how quickly this month has flown by! I have been extremely busy these last few weeks primarily with work, but also in my personal life.  I find that I need to stop and think and live in the now because before you know it, you will be looking back and time will have flown by! Time is one thing that does not stop!

Anyways, enough of that! I first rolled out the style challenge last week on Friday on Instagram.  I received a lot of requests from people asking for a June challenge since they enjoyed the May one so much. I am flattered that people have been doing the challenge and have been loving it! My goal is to create something that we can show our own personal style while having fun and wearing our clothes from our closet. I also love to build up and encourage other by showcasing a look from each day on the blog. More on that later…

I also am participating in no shopping for the summer (with a few exceptions) but I find that having some sort of guide really helps me to focus on what I want to wear for the day.   I also find that I am wearing items that are older-which I am not going to lie, I like it! I like it because I can be unique and dress like myself.  I see so many people running out and buying what someone else has instead of really dressing for themselves or creating their own style. There are items that I love when I see on someone else but I have really tried to get away from buying something just because someone else has it.  That was part of my whole enlightening experience about social media creating the “want it, need it” mentality. I still purchase items occasionally that I see on others but it is not that often. It is mainly because I personally love the item and may have been eyeing it myself before it was even posted! I think that we are lucky to have such a great fashion community on Instagram and blogs to help give us ideas!

So how do you get featured on the blog? First of all, you have to be following me on Instagram.  Secondly, I have asked that you repost the style challenge on your account so your friends can join us too! Thirdly, use the hashtag #joyfuljunestlye to have your pictures show up in the group. Please remember if you are private, you can absolutely play along; however, I cannot see any of your pictures so I will not be able to feature you. That’s it! Very easy! I choose one look each day to feature on the blog along with mine.  Every once in a while, I choose two if I really have a hard time picking only one.  You all should go through and look at all of the pictures! There are so many great looks and I cannot feature them all!

I cannot wait for this challenge to start.  I have already received so many comments from people who are ready to get this one going! In case if you are not on Instagram, here is the Joyful June Style Challenge:

I look forward to seeing all of your great looks in June! Consider following me via the Bloglovin button so you can get the blog posts right in your inbox. Thanks for reading and following along with me!



  1. Looking forward to this! I plan on participating :)

  2. So fun! I'm ready for a Joyful June for sure!
    Dawn Lucy

  3. I'm participating and talk about it in my latest post. Thanks for this.
    k at


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