What Time I Am Afraid

This is my current view. I bet most of you can tell where I am just from the picture but keep reading on...

I'll admit- I'm afraid of a lot of things. I think it has gotten much worse the older I get too. My husband calls me a "Nervous Nellie." I think it has to do with my creative side and how I envision things. I have a tendency to let my imagination run wild. I imagine the absolute worst case scenario. I always say that even my dreams are like movies because they are so action-packed. 

I also hate hospitals. They are full of germs and sick people. It's similar to going to the doctors office but worse because they do surgeries and procedures there. My mom also died in the hospital. 

I think being afraid and going to a hospital is a bad combination. I'm sitting in the waiting room as I am writing this. I have to take my mind off of my husband waiting in there sedated ready to undergo a routine procedure. The television is on playing soap operas and there are people with various amounts of concern on their faces. 

As I look around, I notice most people don't appear afraid. They aren't shedding any tears. They are eating food and drinking their drinks. They are watching the soap operas or they are playing on their phones. They don't seem to be phased at all. Why am I? It's really not that big of a deal. Everyone is going in and coming back out. It's a regular routine procedure. A scheduled maintenance visit, if you will. 

I am reminded of the Bible verse that says " What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee". 

I went back and sat with him until it was time for him to go into the room. Now I am still sitting in the same waiting room waiting until it is done and I am allowed to go back into the room. I am reminded I need to pray and trust in Him. Why does it take something like this to make me afraid and make me trust? 

I went back and sat with him after he woke up and after I talked to the doctor. He remembers a little but was out for most if it. He is in no pain and is ready to get out of there. I am blessed. 

Now we are all at home safe and sound after a visit to Krispy Kreme on the way home when the Hot and Ready light was on and a stop to the in-laws to pick up our son. We are waiting on some test results and hopefully will have those in a few days. I will work on praying and trusting more and worrying less. Life is good. What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. 



  1. I hope everything is good on the test results. I know what you mean about worrying. I tend to do the same, imagine all the what if's. And there are those times when the what if's happen but I always try to remind myself that He has this planned out already and i'm just here for the ride. Take Care!

  2. Prayer for good result. I was just at the hospital today. My husband had to get an MRI on his shoulder. I not a fan of them there.


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