Forty Before Forty: The Color Run

Another item crossed off my list! This was an event that I have seen other people do and always thought this would be fun! Fast forward to earlier this year and I saw a Living Social deal for a discounted entry to the race. I think I ended up saving about $10 off the regular price. 

Anyways, I wanted to enter this race but thought it would be a lot more fun with friends. I asked around and some people were either busy, not interested or just didn't want to run. I was mentioning it to my sister in law and she said she would like to do it. She invited a friend of hers as well and then there were three! 

I didn't practice for this race like I did for the 5K I did last year. I read online that it was not a timed race and that walkers were welcomed. (That was an understatement.) I think it is meant to just be fun and get people motivated to exercise. 

We showed up for the race wearing all white shirts like we were told on the website. We had to park a ways away and we had to stand in line to get our registration packet. We had to walk back to the car with our stuff and then walk back to the starting line. When it was time for the race to start, there were so many people lined up that it was ridiculous! The race started at 8:00 and I think it was almost 9:00 before we even started (not to mention the time we had to wait for a train...). 

Here's a few pictures of the start of the race:

Yes, I am rocking the sweatband:

Look at all of the people! If you look closely in the second picture, you can see they go waaaaayyy back! 

Here we all are waiting on the train:

As we moved through the race course, we were painted with different colors. Every so often there was a different color that was sprayed. I found that we had to ask or really dance around in some of the colors and you didn't get a lot of it.

Here's some pictures throughout the race:

Purple was first! 

Then blue...

Then pink...

Then yellow...

And then we finished! This was the sight as we went through the finish line! Very cool to have confetti thrown on you as you ran through.  It was my own personal parade! 

After the race was finished, we waited in line to have pictures taken. I got the email that they were available and looked online. I won't be buying any of those as I was happy with all of the pictures we took ourselves! We received a KIND bar ( which was great!) and plenty of water. Then we headed over to the celebration! 

Every few minutes, they announced it was time to throw your color packets. It was so fun to see all of the colors in the air and dance to the music! 

We ended up with tons of color and had tons of fun! 

This was such a lot of fun! People have asked me if I would do it again and I think I would! It was a laid back race and was fun getting painted! 

Have you ever done a Color Run or anything like this? I know they are touring the country! I'd encourage you to check it out! 

Thanks for reading and following along with me! You never know what adventures I will try next! 



  1. Sound like you had amazing time. I haven't done one of these but it is on my bucket list.


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